Construction and Infrastructures


Construction and Infrastructure

Fair Links has recognised experience in the construction and infrastructure industries. Our dedicated team has proven its ability to assist our clients in numerous situations.

Representative Cases

  • European investment fund
    v. West African countries
    Advisor to the company in defining and assessing its claims following its forced withdrawal from an infrastructure project
  • European construction company
    v. European railway company
    Advisor to the company in defining and assessing its claims in the context of delays in the construction of a railway line
  • European construction company
    v. North African national electricity company (ICC)
    Expert Testimony – Damages analysis related to the sudden termination of a power line construction contract
  • European port operator
    v. East European State (ICSID)

    Expert Testimony – Damages analysis related to the alleged expropriation of a port concession
  • European rail construction companies
    v. West African States (ICC)

    Expert Testimony – Damages analysis related to the alleged expropriation of a railway concession
  • European port construction and management company
    v. South Asian State (UNCITRAL)

    Advisor to the State in defining the defence strategy and addressing the opposing party’s arguments after the early termination of a port concession agreement
  • European construction company
    v. Central African State
    Independent expert work on behalf of the company – Value definition of the work in progress
    for an infrastructure construction project in the context of unpaid bills and work suspension
  • European civil engineering company
    v. Central African State (ICC)
    Advisor to the State on damages analysis related to delays and cost overruns incurred as part of a road construction contract
  • European civil engineering company
    v. Central African State (ICC)

    Independent expert work – Valuation of the claimed damage in relation to delays and cost overruns incurred in the construction of a stadium
  • European construction company
    v. European construction company (ICC)

    Expert Testimony – Damages analysis related to delays and cost overruns incurred following the breach of a maritime infrastructure construction contract